Orvosi referenciák


What is HBO Therapy?

Indications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Randomized Controlled Trials

Side Effects

Side Effects of Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Comprehensive review of hyperbaric oxygen therapy


Sebészet, sebkezelés

Enhancement of Healing In Selected Problem Wounds

A retrospective study of diabetic foot ulcers treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Hyperbaric oxygenation for necrotizing soft tissue infections

Hyperbaric medicine for the hospital-based physician.

The effect of hyperbaric oxygen in the enhancement of healing in selected problem wounds.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for chronic wounds.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Facilitates Healing of Chronic Foot Ulcers in Patients With Diabetes

Use of Transcutaenous Oximetry and Laser Doppler with Local Heat Provocation to Assess Patients with Problem Wounds

Factors influencing the outcome of lower-extremity diabetic ulcers treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Use of hyperbaric oxygenation for wound management

Pyoderma gangrenosum: skin grafitin and hyperbaric oxygen as adjuvants



Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer—a review

Non-Toxic Metabolic Management of Metastatic Cancer in VM Mice: Novel Combination of Ketogenic Diet, Ketone Supplementation, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Neurológia, stroke

Hyperbaric Oxygen Induces Late Neuroplasticity in Post Stroke Patients – Randomized, Prospective Trial

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, and Stroke: Summary

Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of patients with cerebral stroke, brain trauma, and neurologic disease.

Effects of repetitive hyperbaric oxygen treatment in patients with acute cerebral infarction: a pilot study.

Hyperbaric oxygen for stroke treatment – Teller Ede levelével

Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. A double-blind pilot study.

Mechanisms of hyperbaric oxygen and neuroprotection in stroke.


Neuropathia, faciális paresis

Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on peripheral nerves.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy And HBOT


Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome.

A New Treatment Modality for Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for Bell’s palsy.

Treatment Options for Patients with Bell’s Palsy

Hyperbaric oxygen as a therapy of Bell’s palsy


Hyperbaric oxygenation as a possible therapy of choice for infertility treatment


Tinnitus, hirtelen hallásvesztés

Az Egészségügyi Minisztérium szakmai protokollja Fül-orr-gégészeti algoritmusok

Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Treatment of 522 patients with sudden deafness performed oxygenation at high pressure

Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of sudden deafness.

Therapy of unspecific tinnitus without organic cause.

Tinnitus, a Military Epidemic: Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy the Answer?

Comparison of therapeutic results in sudden sensorineural hearing loss with/without additional hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a retrospective review of 465 audiologically controlled cases.

Prognostic factors in sudden sensorineural hearing loss: our experience and a review of the literature.

Hyperbaric oxygen for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus.

Szénmonoxid mérgezés

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for carbon monoxide poisoning

Hyperbaric oxygen and carbon monoxide poisoning: a critical review.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Complicated By Cyanide Poisoning


CP, Cerebral Palsy

Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy in the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy: A Review and Comparison to Currently Accepted Therapies

How and why hyperbaric oxygen therapy can bring new hope for children suffering from cerebral palsy–an editorial perspective

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, and Stroke: Summary

Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of patients with cerebral stroke, brain trauma, and neurologic disease.

Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy: a pilot project.

Pediatric cerebral palsy treated by 1.5 ATA hyperbaric oxygen – a pilot study.

HBOT for Cerebral Palsy

Clinically Observed Reduction of Spasticity in Patients with Neurological Disease and in Children with Cerebral Palsy from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Fogászat, szájsebészet, csontosodás

Incidence and prevention of osteoradionecrosis after dental extraction in irradiated patients: a systematic review.

What is the role of hyperbaric oxygen in the management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: a randomized controlled trial of hyperbaric oxygen as an adjunct to surgery and antibiotics.

The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on improving bony stability in LeFort I maxillary advancement.

The influence of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on the healing of experimental defects filled with different bone graft substitutes.

Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on bone healing after enucleation of mandibular cysts: a modified case control study.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in femoral head necrosis.

Bone healing of tibial lengthening is enhanced by hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a study of bone mineral density and torsional strength on rabbits.

Hyperbaric oxygen-stimulated proliferation and growth of osteoblasts may be mediated through the FGF-2/MEK/ERK 1/2/NF-κB and PKC/JNK pathways.

Influence of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on peri-implant bone healing in rats with alloxan-induced diabetes.

Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of atrophic tibial nonunion with Ilizarov external fixator: a radiographic and scintigraphic study in rabbits.

Histologic study of the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on autogenous free bone grafts.


Égési, fagyási sérülések

Acute Thermal Burn Injury

Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of thermal burns: a review.

Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy contributes healing in electrical injury: a case report of high voltage electrical injury.

Characterization of early thermal burns and the effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment: a pilot study.

Frostbite of both first digits of the foot treated with delayed hyperbaric oxygen:a case report and review of literature.

Treating frostbite injuries

Cold damage to the extremities: frostbite and non-freezing cold injuries.


Postirradiációs lágyrész / csont necrosis, gyulladás

Use of hyperbaric oxygen chamber in the management of radiation-related complications of the anorectal region: report of two cases and review of the literature.

Treatment of gastrointestinal radiation injury with hyperbaric oxygen.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a prophylactic and treatment against ileus and recurrent intestinal obstruction soon after surgery to relieve adhesive intestinal obstruction.

Safety and efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of interstitial cystitis: a randomized, sham controlled, double-blind trial.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for interstitial cystitis resistant to conventional treatments.

Hyperbaric oxygen for the treatment of interstitial cystitis: long-term results of a prospective pilot study.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Radiation Induced Proctopathy in Men Treated for Prostate Cancer

Treatment of radiation proctitis with hyperbaric oxygen

Frostbite in a mountain climber treated with hyperbaric oxygen: case report.

Improvement in motor and cognitive impairment after hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a selected group of patients with cerebrovascular disease: a prospective single-blind controlled trial.

Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections

Osteomyelitis (Refractory)

Delayed Radiation Injury (Soft Tissue and Bony Necrosis)

Hypebaric oxygen treatment in urology.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the management of hemorrhagic radio-induced cystitis.


Anaerob fertőzés, gázgangréna, crush szindróma, compartment szindróma

Clostridial Myositis and Myonecrosis

Crush Injury, Compartment Syndrome and Other Acute Traumatic Ischemias

Oxygen and the inflammatory cell

The life-saving effect of hyperbaric oxygenation during early-phase severe blunt chest injuries.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of open fractures and crush injuries.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of crush injuries: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.

Adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of crush injury and traumatic ischemia: an evidence-based approach.

Non pharmacological treatment of severe cutaneous infections: hyperbaric oxygen therapy, dressings and local treatments.

HBO and gas gangrene. A case report.


Plasztikai, helyreállító sebészet

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in plastic surgery: a review article.

Hyperbaric oxygen and wound healing.

An evidence-based appraisal of the use of hyperbaric oxygen on flaps and grafts.

Wound healing: the evidence for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on compromised grafts and flaps.

Arterial inefficiencies: Enhancement of healing in selected problem wounds

Cosmetic Surgery (HBOT)

The Healing Effect of Hyperbaric Chambers for Revision Cosmetic Surgery Patients

Effect of Perioperative Hyperbaric Oxygen on Bruising in Face-lifts

Applications of hyperbaric oxygen in otolaryngology head and neck surgery: facial cutaneous flaps.

Healing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Healing of wounds

Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Wound Healing and Return to Normal Activity in Breast Augmentation and Abdominoplasty Patients.

Oxygen Therapy Anti Aging


Transzplantációs medicina

Compromised Grafts and Flaps

Hyperbaric oxygen and lymphoid system function: a review supporting possible intervention in tissue transplantation.

Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) treatment for a failing facial flap.

The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on compromised grafts and flaps.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and liver transplantation.

Potential application of hyperbaric oxygen in renal diseases

Skin manifestations of kidney disease

Salvage of limb and function in necrotizing fasciitis of the hand: role of hyperbaric oxygen treatment and free muscle flap coverage.



Central Retinal Artery Occlusion

Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygenation in macular edema of vascular origin.

Using hyperbaric oxygen in ophthalmology

Susac syndrome as a cause of sensorineural hearing loss

Susac syndrome: clinical and diagnostic approach. A new case report

Reversal of visual loss with hyperbaric oxygen treatment in a patient with Susac syndrome.

Susac syndrome – Management

Susac syndrome: clinical and diagnostic approach. A new case report

Diving, HBOT and the eye


Sport medicina, csonttörések, lágyrész sérülések

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and its role in Sports Medicine

Hyperbaric oxygen effects on sports injuries.

How Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Contribute to Treatment?

Hyperbaric Oxygen for Professional Athletes

The role and effectiveness of adjunctive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the management of musculoskeletal disorders.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Sports Injuries

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy facilitates surgery on complex open elbow injuries: Preliminary results.




Therapeutic effect of hyperbaric oxygen in psoriasis vulgaris: two case reports and a review of the literature


Hyperbaric oxygenation in severe perineal Crohn’s disease

Lyme szindróma

Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy On Lyme Disease

Hyperbaric Oxygenation for Lyme Vasculitis


Sclerosis multiplex

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis: My Experience

High Dose Oxygen Therapy

Long term hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) retards progression in multiple sclerosis patients

Agysérülés, agytályog

Intracranial Abscess

Cerebral perfusion SPECT imaging for assessment of the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on patients with post brain injury neural status.

Cerebral oxygenation and the recoverable brain. Improving neuropsychological function after chronic brain injury with hyperbaric oxygen.

Hyperbaric oxygen in traumatic brain injury.

Effects of hyperbaric oxygenation therapy on cerebral metabolism and intracranial pressure in severely brain injured patients.

Hyperbaric oxygen for treatment of closed head injury.

Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of elevated intracranial pressure after head injury.

A review of the scientific evidence on the treatment of traumatic brain injuries and strokes with hyperbaric oxygen.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the Hokkaido University Hospital

Cost-effectiveness tanulmányok

Is additional hyperbaric oxygen therapy cost-effective for treating ischemic diabetic ulcers? Study protocol for the Dutch DAMOCLES multicenter randomized clinical trial

Cost-effectiveness and budget impact of adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy for diabetic foot ulcers





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